Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Health Nuts

So Nathan and I have "made" the "decision" to try and live healthier...

meaning on Saturday night we did a work out, nathan had a snack of carrots, and Sunday after church we went to Olive Garden where we split water and a diet coke...

Obviously we are not out to a great start...

And clearly, we need some help and guidance on where to begin.

My guess is at the diet. I do 90% of the grocery shopping and cooking so I think I can control, mostly, what we consume. But even after 3.5 years of marriage, i don't know how to keep boys full. They just eat more. They're bigger and a grilled chicken salad just doesn't cut it. maybe that's a perspective thing that changes as the body adjusts to different types and amounts of food, but I've always struggled with how to feed my husband.

So, I think I'm going to try this whole Paleo thing...at least gradually.

I'll keep you guys updated on how it works out...

In the meantime any words of advise? Anyone have a successful diet, successful being you feel great, more energy, less hungry, etc?

P.S. I've started an ice cream pin board, which will be really helpful...

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