About Me

Hi There! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I'm so happy you're here.

I am a31 year old mother of two babies, married to my college sweetheart, interior designer by day, chore-doer by night. Wanna-be farmer on the weekends.

Nathan and I married in October 2008 and moved to Nashville four years letter to pursue music opportunities (for him - not me).  We got pregnant with our first baby, Gavin, who arrived here May 2013. He's all boy and can usually be found playing with trains or reading "Dragons love Tacos".  Baby #2 surprised us all and arrived March 2015 completing our family. I'm not sure what Holland loves yet, but I can't wait to find out!

I started this blog as "Our Dog Dillan" to document our adoption and daily life with a retired racing Greyhound.  Since becoming pregnant with Holland I took a long sabbatical from blogging and am back fueled with a strong desire to rebrand and write again!

"Sometimes Cereal" comes from a few different places:
1.  Babies eat Cheerios.  A lot of Cheerios. No more info required.

2.  Nathan has a love of "Southpark" and apparently there's an episode in which Cartman describes something as "cereal" (serial?) instead of "serious".  And life is sometimes pretty serious.  But, after lots of life lessons, I've learned that it's better to look at these serious situations knowing that we'll work through them. And just like all of the crunched cheerios on the floor, we can clean them up.


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