Monday, July 11, 2016

An outfit for much cooler times

Do you live in Nashville? Tennessee? Midwest? Yes? Okay, you know it's hot here. and humid. The humidity is what will get ya. Every single time. So let's talk about what I will wear in cooler times. They're not too far away. I know we're stuck in the smack dab middle of summer, but we can pretend, fantasize about those lovely fall days ahead. 

I purchased this top off Poshmark. Which is my latest addiction. After watching, The True Cost documentary, I think still available on Netflix, I felt very convicted to make wise clothing choices. I'm still battling this - do I buy cheap fast-fashion clothing to keep people in the jobs that they do have regardless of unfair wage, working conditions, etc. because it "helps their economy" or do I buy used items or items with a guarantee of being fair-waged and safe working conditions and sustainable. I went with the latter. 

So back to Poshmark... Make a closet and sell your stuff. See other closets and buy their stuff - using money you have or credits from selling your stuff. yay! The greatest part, well one, is that you can find those items that you wanted so long ago (like 4 years people) but didn't buy. Example: 5 years ago when Madewell was just becoming cool they had this awesome sweater. And I pinned it, never bought it. Oh well. Fast Forward Four Years... There it is, right there on Poshmark for $20. Sold. 

Deets:  Top: Anthropologie original, via Poshmark. Leggings: Banana Republic. Socks: gifted. Boots: DSW last season.

Interested? Use code PDELD for a credit. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Gavin Turns 3!

Last weekend, Gavin turned three whole years old and simultaneously morphed into a little boy overnight.  I want to do the proverbial mom "stop growing up" speech, but I LOVE this age. He is fun, and funny, and independent but dependent. He has an imagination about good and scary things, but that's okay because he's a super hero and he punches the scaries in the face!

Here's a few photos from our big boy's special day. We keep it pretty low key over here, especially since "mom-mom" can't send out party invites until 5 days before. We took snacks and cupcakes to a park and played for a few hours, aka until forgetting to take a potty break caught up with us.

Gavin's big boy current list of favorites:

- Saying he's a big boy
- Doing all things "my self!"
- Slides and swings
- Dino-trucks
- Kung Fu Panda
- Actually any movie or show
- jumping
- checking/watering our plants
- cereal and milk
- "Swammiches", any apple squeeze pouch, yogurt, and cheese stick for lunches
- Fried Rice
- Loving on baby sister
- Playing Super heroes
- Wrestling with Dada
- helping with any chore

Gavin your a joy to everyone around you and have the sweetest most tender heart. You're growing up so fast and I can't wait to know you as a 3 year old! We love you so much!


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