2011 was a super year. Nothing extraordinary happened, but there were some pretty awesome family events.
- My niece was born, who's pretty much the most squeezable baby in the world.
- My sister got engaged, and I'm super excited to celebrate with them in just 6 short months (what?!?).
- And our family acquired Dillan.
I expect 2012 to be nothing short of awesome too. To help that along, I've set a few "goals" for 2012.
- Watch less TV.
- and if I am watching, do it while doing something else, i.e. exercising or knitting.
- Wear perfume. (why have it if I don't, my favorite is "So Pink" by GAP.)
- Wear lipstick. I'm 25 it's about time.
- Pass the NCIDQ (hopefully this march!)
- Be a better blogger.
- social with other blogs (commenting, etc.)
- remember camera
- be more personal
- Take better care of my body
- eat better
- exercise at least 3 times a week
- remember posture
- conscious of the products I use, where I buy
- Education
- read more
- study the Bible more (right now studying Daniel)
- prayer
- research what interests me
- Be a better steward
- I've been blessed financially. We don't have everything, but every month we can pay bills and buy groceries and still go out a few times. Instead of going to a movie, how about we save that $20. Instead of convincing myself that I need new clothes, how about going through my closet and donating what I don't wear and reworking for some new outfits. There are so many ways to be financially responsible.
- Tidyness
- put clothes away instead of on the floor...
- remember that thing dusting???
- the Dining table is not a shelf for everything I'm not using at the moment.
- Love Nathan better
- serve him
- pray for him daily
- greet him when he gets home
Well, that is quite a list. I'm sure that I could keep adding and adding to it, but I've got to stop somewhere.
To keep myself accountable, I want to share with you how I'm striving to meet these goals. Woot! Welcome 2012!
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