Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Concerning Christmas

Hello Readers! We had a great time visiting my family this past weekend. It of course included food, pajamas, laughter, knitting (like a fiend I might add), movies, food, gifts, and oogling at my super cute neice. 

So, here's a little picture wrap up of the weekend.

Blog world, meet Douglas.

Douglas is our 5 year old Douglas Fir sapling.  At first we weren't going to do the whole Christmas tree thing because a. we weren't at our apt. on Christmas, b. we don't want to invest in tree trimmings, and c. we don't want to store tree trimmings.  But Douglas is the exception. he just looked so little and cute at the tree farm, how could I resist? I like Douglas, a lot. He's pretty much the best Charlie Brown tree ever. And I'm going to do my best to keep him alive for a while. Repotting him and such until we have somewhere to plant him. 
Thanks to my dad, he now resides in a glavanized bucket. Inspired by this:

Source: via pinterest

Remember how I mentioned I was really trying to fix a bow on Dillan's head. Here's my attempt caught on camera. And Nathan's foot. And clutter. And messiness.   We keep it real people.

Here we are at my parent's house. We found a pair of reindeer antlers, so naturally we put them on Dillan. And he tolerated it long enough to snap a few photos. I think this one is profile pic worthy...

Dragon puppy. That's all.  Rawwwwrrrrr.

And this is how we spent Christmas day. In a new sweater and pajama pants. And Dillan lying on my legs. Merry Christmas puppy. He so enjoyed that x-large greenie. Which, btw, we got a Petsmart gift card (thanks Leah!!), so Dillan just might be getting a few more of those soon.

I hope you all had a great Christmas day too!

1 comment:

  1. Love the little tree..its such a "charlie brown" christmas tree :) It was so good to see you and catch up!


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